clear ip bgp { * [ vrf vrf-name ] | neighbor-address [ vrf vrf-name ] | as-number | peer-group peer-group-name | external }
Resets the BGP neighbor.
clear ip bgp [ ipv4 unicast | ipv4 multicast ] dampening [ ip-address | ip-address/mask-length ]
Clears suppressed routes.
clear ip bgp [ ipv4 unicast | ipv4 multicast ] flap-statistics [ ip-address | ip-address/mask-length ]
Clears routing flap statistics.
clear ip bgp { * | neighbor-address | as-number | peer-group peer-group-name | external } [ ipv4 unicast | ipv4 multicast | vpnv4 unicast | vrf vrf-name ] { [ soft ] [ in | out ] }
Soft resets neighbors.
clear ip bgp { * | neighbor-address } in { ecomm | prefix-filter }
Advertises ORF to neighbors.
show ip bgp [ vpnv4 { all | vrf vrf-name | rd route-distinguisher } ] [ ip-address | ip-address/mask-length ]
Display the routing information in the related BGP address family.
show ip bgp attribute-info
Display the BGP common route attributes.
show ip bgp cidr-only
Display all classful network routes of BGP.
show ip bgp community [community-number / aa:nn / exact-match / local-AS / no-advertise / no-export ]
Display the routes that match the specified community property.
show ip bgp community-info
Display all community property information of BGP.
show ip bgp community-list community-list-name
Display the community list that is applied to routes.
show ip bgp [ vpnv4 { all | vrf vrf-name | rd route-distinguisher } ] dampening { dampened-paths | flap-statistics | parameters }
Display the details of route attenuation.
show ip bgp filter-list filter-list-name [ exact-match ]
Display the routes that match the AS_PATH filter list.
show ip bgp inconsistent-as
Display the routes that conflict with AS_PATH.
show ip bgp [ vpnv4 all ] neighbors [ ip-address ]
Display the details of BGP neighbors.
show ip bgp orf ecomm
Display the ORF information of all BGP neighbors.
show ip bgp paths
Display the AS_PATH information of BGP routes.
show ip bgp prefix-list prefix-list-name
Display the routes that match the filter list.
show ip bgp quote-regexp as-path-list-name
Display the routes that match the AS_PATH list.
show ip bgp regexp as-path-list-name
Display the routes that match the AS_PATH list.
show ip bgp route-map rtmap-name
Display the routes that match a route map.
show ip bgp scan
Display the BGP scan information.
show ip bgp [ vpnv4 { all | vrf vrf-name | rd route-distinguisher } | vxlan] summary
Display the summary of BGP neighbors.
show ip bgp vxlan local-remote [ ip-address | neighbor ip-address ]
Display the local Session information advertised by BGP to the neighbor
show ip bgp vxlan session [ ip-address | active ]
Display the Session information learned by BGP