Configure a Device as an FTP Client
Network Requirements
- A PC acts as an FTP server, and Device acts as an FTP client. The network between the server and the device is normal.
- On the FTP server, the user name for a device to log in to the FTP server is admin, and the password is admin. The files to be downloaded are placed in the FTP server directory.
- The device acts as the FTP client to upload files to and download files from the FTP server.
Network Topology

Figure 4-1 Networking for Configuring a Device as an FTP Client
Configuration Steps
Step 1: Create VLANs, and add ports to the required VLANs.(Omitted)
Step 2: Configure an FTP server, and place the files to be downloaded in the FTP server directory. (Omitted)
Step 3: Configure the IP addresses of the devices so that the network between the client and the server is normal. (Omitted)
Step 4: Device acts as the FTP client to upload files to and download files from the FTP server.
#In the file system mode of the Device, copy one file from the FTP server to the file system of Device.
Device(config-fs)#copy ftp admin admin sp4-g-6.5.0(41).pck file-system sp4-g-6.5.0(41).pck
Device (config-fs)#exit
#In the file system mode of Device, copy the startup file of Device into the FTP server.
Device(config-fs)#copy file-system startup ftp admin admin startup.txt
Step 5: Check the result.
#After the copy process is completed, check whether the downloaded file exists in the file system of Device. In the FTP server, check whether the uploaded file exists. (Omitted)
size date time name
-------- ------ ------ --------
101526 MAR-01-2013 01:17:18 logging
10147 MAR-26-2013 07:58:50 startup
10207 MAR-01-2013 01:17:54 history
1372 MAR-23-2013 08:18:38 devInfo
6598624 MAR-26-2013 07:51:32 sp4-g-6.5.0(41).pck
1024 JAN-10-2013 17:30:20 snmp
0 JAN-31-2013 14:29:50 syslog
736512 MAR-27-2013 10:30:48 web-Spl-1.1.168.rom
If the "FTP: Ctrl socket connect error(0x3c): Operation timed out" message is printed, it indicates that the server cannot be reached, and the cause may be that the route is not available or the server has not been started.
- If the "Downloading##OK!" message is printed, it indicates that the file is copied successfully.