Configure OSPF Fast Re-routing
Configuration Condition
Before configuring OSPF fast re-routing, first complete the following task:
- The IP address of the interface is configured to make the network layer of neighboring nodes accessible.
- Enable the OSPF protocol.
Configure OSPF Fast Re-routing
In the OSPF network, the traffic interruption caused by link or device failure will continue until the protocol detects the link failure, and the floating route will not recover until the floating route takes effect, which usually lasts for several seconds. In order to reduce the interruption time of traffic, the OSPF fast re-routing can be configured. Through the application of the routing map, the backup next hop is set for the matched route. Once the active link fails, the traffic passing through the active link will be immediately switched to the standby link, so as to achieve the purpose of fast switching.
Table 7-36 Configure OSPF fast re-routing
Enter the global configuration mode.
configure terminal
Enter the OSPF configuration mode
router ospf process-id [ vrf vrf-name ]
Configure OSPF process to enable the fast re-routing function
fast-reroute route-map route-map-name
By default, do not enable OSPF fast re-routing function.