To connect a terminal to the device through the Console port to configure the device, perform the following steps:
Step 1: Select a terminal.
The terminal can be a terminal with a standard RS-232 serial port or an ordinary PC, and the latter one is more frequently used. If the remote dial-up login mode is selected, two Modems are required.
Step 2: Connect the physical connection of the Console port.
Ensure that the terminal or the device that provides the Console port has been powered off, and then connect the RS-232 serial port of the terminal to the Console port of the device. The following figure shows the connection.
Figure 2‑1Connection for Login via the Console Port
Step 3: Configure the HyperTerminal.
After powering on the terminal, you need to set the communication parameters of the terminal, that is, baud rate of 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity check, and no data stream control. For a PC with the Windows XP or Windows NT OS, run the HyperTerminal program, and set the communication parameters of the serial port of the HyperTerminal according to the previously mentioned settings. The following takes the HyperTerminal in the Windows NT OS for example. You can use the software Putty, SecureCRT, MobaXterm...
Input a connection name, and select a Windows icon for the connection.
Figure 2‑2 Creating a Connection
- Select a serial communication port:
According to the serial communication port that has been connected, select COM1 or COM2.
Figure 2‑3 Selecting a Serial Communication Port
- Configure parameters for the serial communication port:
Baud rate: 9600 bps
Data bit: 8 bits
Parity check: None
Stop bit: 1 bit
Data stream control: None
Figure 2‑4 Configuring Parameters for the Serial Communication Port
- Login success authentication:
After the device with the Console port is powered on, the startup information of the device is displayed on the terminal. After the startup is completed, the "Press any key to start the shell!" message is displayed. If login authentication is configured to be required, input the user name and password; otherwise, press any key to log in directly. After the login succeeds, the "Hostname>" prompt is displayed on the terminal. Then, you can configure the device.