Configure IPv6 PIM-SM SPT Switching
Configuration Condition
Before configuring SPT, first complete the following tasks:
- Configure the network layer address of the interface, making the neighboring node network layer reachable
- Configure any unicast route protocol, making the intra-domain route reachable
- Enable the IPv6 PIM-SM protocol
Configure SPT Switching Condition
The receiving end DR does not know the address of the multicast source, so it can only add to RP to form RPT. The source DR performs the source register to RP and form the source tree between source DR and RP. At first, the direction of the multicast flow is from multicast source to RP and then from RP to the receiver. When the receiving end DR receives the first multicast packet, it performs adding to multicast source, forms SPT, and performs the pruning for RPT. This is called SPT switching.
The command is to configure the SPT switching condition at the receiving end DR.
Table 11-16 Configure the SPT switching condition
Enter global configuration mode
configure terminal
Configure the SPT switching condition
ipv6 pim spt-threshold { infinity | threshold [ group-list {access-list-number | access-list-name } ] [ vrf vrf-name ]
By default, all multicast groups perform the SPT switching.

Do not configure SPT never-switching on RP. Otherwise, it may result in the failure of the multicast forwarding.