show clock
Display the information about the system clock.
show cpu
Display the information about the CPU usage.
show device
Display the device information of the system.
show environment
Display the information about the board temperature.
show history | { begin expression | exclude expression | include expression | redirect { file file-name | ftp { hostname | ip-address } user-name password file-name } }
Display the information about history commands.
show language
Display the information about system language version.
show login-secure {con | telnet | ssh | ftp | snmp}{ip-addr | user | quick-connect}
Display the information about the system login security service.
show login-secure quick-connect
Display the fast connection information about system login security.
show mbuf allocated [ pool-name ]
Display the mbuf information.
show memory
Display the memory information.
show pool [ detail | information ]
Display the information about the memory pool.
show process [ task-name ]
Display the main tasks in the system and their operating statuses.
show semaphore { sem-name | all | binary | counting | list | mutex } [ any | pended | unpended ]
Display the information about the system semaphore.
show spy
Display the status of the monitoring switch.
show stack
Display the usage of each task stack in the system.
show system fan [brief]
Display the fan information.
show system module brief
Display brief information about all module part of the device.
show system mpu [brief | mpu-num ]
Display the MPU information.
show system power [ power-num | brief ]
Display the power supply information.
show tech-support { sys-base [ detail ] | drv-base [ detail ] | l2-base [ detail ] | l3-base [ detail ] | all } [ page | to-memory | to-flash ]
Display the technical support information.
show version [ detail ]
Display the system version information.