Network Requirement
- Device0, and Device1 form the link stacking system; Device0 becomes the control device.
Network Topology

Figure 1-2 Configure devices to form the link stacking system
Configuration Steps
Step 1: Configure Device0.
#On Device0, configure the virtual switching member device number as 0, configure the domain number as 10, and the priority is 255.
Device0#configure terminal
Device0(config)#switch virtual member 0
Do you want to modify member id(Yes|No)?y
% Member ID 0 config will take effect only after the exec command 'switch mode virtual' is issued
Device0(config-vst-member-0)#domain 10
% Domain ID 10 config will take effect only after the exec command 'switch mode virtual' is issued
Device0(config-vst-member-0)#priority 255
#On Device0, create virtual switch link interface 1 and add port tengigabitethernet1/1 and tengigabitethernet1/2 to the virtual switch link interface 1.
Device0(config)#vsl-channel 1
Device0(config)#interface tengigabitethernet 1/1-1/2
Device0(config-if-range)#vsl-channel 1 mode on
#Save the configuration on Device0.
Are you sure to overwrite /flash/startup (Yes|No)?y
Building Configuration...done
Write to startup file OK
Write to mode file OK
Step 2: Configure Device1.
#On Device1, configure the virtual switching member device number as 1, configure the domain number as 10, and the priority is 200.
Device1#configure terminal
Device1(config)#switch virtual member 1
Do you want to modify member id(Yes|No)?y
% Member ID 1 config will take effect only after the exec command 'switch mode virtual' is issued
Device1(config-vst-member-1)#domain 10
% Domain ID 10 config will take effect only after the exec command 'switch mode virtual' is issued
Device1(config-vst-member-1)#priority 200
#On Device1, create virtual switch link interface 1 and add port tengigabitethernet0/1 and tengigabitethernet0/2 to the virtual switch link interface 1.
Device1(config)#vsl-channel 1
Device1(config)#interface tengigabitethernet 0/1-0/2
Device1(config-if-range)#vsl-channel 1 mode on
#On Device1, save the configuration.
Are you sure to overwrite /flash/startup (Yes|No)?y
Building Configuration...done
Write to startup file... OK
Write to mode file... OK
Step 3: Configure the running mode of Device0 and Device1 as the VST mode.
#Configure the running mode of Device0 as the VST mode.
Device0#switch mode virtual
This command will convert all interface names to naming convention "interface-type member-number/slot/interface" ,
Please make sure to save current configuration.Do you want to proceed? (yes|no)?y
Converting interface names Building configuration
Copying the startup configuration to backup file named "startup-backupalone"
Please wait system reloading is in progress!
Reset system!
Jul 30 2014 17:36:14: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested
#Configure the running mode of Device1 as the VST mode.
Device1#switch mode virtual
This command will convert all interface names to naming convention "interface-type member-number/slot/interface" ,
Please make sure to save current configuration.Do you want to proceed? (yes|no)?y
Converting interface names Building configuration
Copying the startup configuration to backup file named "startup-backupalone"
Please wait system reloading is in progress!
Reset system!
Jul 30 2014 17:36:20: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested
Step 4: Check the result.
#On Device0, the VST system is formed and Device0 is the master device.
Device0#show switch virtual
Codes: L - local-device,I isolate-device
Virtual Switch Mode : VIRTUAL
Virtual Switch DomainId : 10
Virtual Switch mac-address.. 0001.7a6a.001b
---------------VST MEMBER INFORMATION--------------------
CODE MemberID Role Pri LocalVsl RemoteVsl
L 0 Master 255 vsl-channel 0/1 vsl-channel 1/1
1 Member 200 vsl-channel 1/1 vsl-channel 0/1