PIM-DM Monitoring and Maintaining
Table 6-7 PIM-DM monitoring and maintaining
clear ip pim dense-mode mroute [ group-ip-address source-ip-address ] [ vrf vrf-name ]
Clear the PIM-DM multicast route information
show ip pim dense-mode interface [ detail ] [ vrf vrf-name ]
Display the PIM-DM interface information
show ip pim dense-mode neighbor [ detail ] [ vrf vrf-name ]
Display the PIM-DM neighbor information
show ip pim dense-mode nexthop [ source-ip-address ] [ vrf vrf-name ]
Display the unicast next-hop information from PIM-DM to source
show ip pim dense-mode mroute [ [ group group-ip-address [ source source-ip-address ] ]| [ source source-ip-address group group-ip-address ] ] [ vrf vrf-name ]
Display the route table information of the PIM-DM protocol