Hà Nội: NTT03, Line 1, Thống Nhất Complex, 82 Nguyễn Tuân, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội. ● HCM: Số 31B, Đường 1, Phường An Phú, Quận 2 (Thủ Đức), TP HCM. ===> Đơn Vị Hàng Đầu Trong Lĩnh Vực Cung Cấp Thiết Bị Security - Network - Wifi - CCTV - Conference - Máy chủ Server - Lưu trữ Storge.
Danh mục sản phẩm

Configure EIPS Ring

Before configuring the EIPS ring, configure the ports on the nodes that will be connected to the EIPS ring and the nodes on the ring.

Configuration Conditions

Before configuring the EIPS ring, first complete the following tasks:

  • Configure the type of ports that will be connected to nodes as nni.
  • Disable the STP on ports that will be connected to nodes.
  • Configure the mode of ports that will be connected to nodes as trunk.
  • Add the ports that will be connected to nodes to the control VLAN that the node belongs to.

Configure EIPS Master Node

Perform the following configurations on the device that will be configured as the master node.

Table 3–2 Configure the EIPS master node




Enter the global configuration mode

configure terminal


Create the EIPS master node

eips ring ring-id master [ segment ]


By default, the EIPS master node is not configured.

It is recommended that the segment parameter be used to specify the EIPS ring in the hierarchical mode. Otherwise, the EIPS ring is in the sub ring mode.

Configure the primary port on the master node

primary interface interface-name


By default, the primary port on the master node is not configured.

Configure the secondary port of the master node

secondary interface interface-name


By default, the secondary port on the master node is not configured.

Configure the data instance for the master node

instance instance-id


By default, the data instance for the master node is not configured.

The data VLANs that are allowed to pass on the EIPS port must be contained in the EIPS data

instance. The same data instance must be configured on all the nodes in the same EIPS domain.


  • In the sub ring mode, all ports on the main ring must be added to the control VLAN of the sub ring.


Configure EIPS Transmission Node

Perform the following configurations on the device that will be configured as the transmission node.

Table 3–3 Configure the EIPS transmission node




Enter the global configuration mode

configure terminal


Create the EIPS transmission node

eips ring ring-id transit [ segment ]


By default, the EIPS transmission node is not configured.

It is recommended that the segment parameter be used to specify the EIPS ring in the hierarchical mode.

Otherwise, the EIPS ring is in the sub ring mode.

Configure the primary port on the transmission node

primary interface interface-name


By default, the primary port on the transmission node is not configured.

Configure the secondary port on the transmission node

secondary interface interface-name


By default, the secondary port on the transmission node is not configured.

Configure the data instance for the transmission node

instance instance-id


By default, the data instance for the transmission node is not configured.

The data VLANs that are allowed to pass on the EIPS port must be contained in the EIPS data instance. The same data instance must be configured on all the nodes in the same EIPS domain.

Configure EIPS Edge Control Node

Perform the following configurations on the device that will be configured as the edge control node.

Table 3–4 Configure the EIPS edge control node




Enter the global configuration mode

configure terminal


Configure the edge control node

eips ring ring-id edge [ segment ]


By default, the edge control node is not configured.

It is recommended that the segment parameter be used to specify the EIPS ring in the hierarchical mode.

Otherwise, the EIPS ring is in the sub ring mode.

Associate the edge control node to the transmission node

transit ring ring-id


By default, the edge control node is not associated to the transmission node.

Only when the edge control node is associated to the transmission node, the

low-level segment or sub ring can coordinate with the main ring.

Configure the edge port on the edge control node

edge interface interface-name


By default, the edge port for the edge control node is not specified.

The edge port connects a low-level segment or sub ring to the main ring.

Control the data instance for the edge control node

instance instance-id


By default, the data instance for the edge control node is not configured.

The data VLANs that are allowed to pass on the EIPS port must be contained in the EIPS data instance. The same data instance must be configured on all the nodes in the same EIPS domain.

Configure EIPS Edge Assistant Node

Perform the following configurations on the device that will be configured as the edge assistant node.

Table 3–5 Configure the EIPS edge assistant node




Enter the global configuration mode

configure terminal


Configure edge assistant node

eips ring ring-id assistant [ segment ]


By default, the edge assistant node is not configured,

It is recommended that the segment parameter be used to specify the EIPS ring in the hierarchical mode.

Otherwise, the EIPS ring is in the sub ring mode.

Associate the edge assistant node to the transmission node

transit ring ring-id


By default, the edge assistant node is not associated to the transmission node.

Only when the edge assistant node is associated to the transmission node, the low-level segment or sub ring can coordinate with the main ring.

Configure the edge port on the edge assistant node

edge interface interface-name


By default, the edge port on the edge assistant node is not configured.

The edge port connects a low-level segment or sub ring to the main ring.

Configure the data instance for the edge assistant node

instance instance-id


By default, the data instance for the edge assistant node is not configured.

The data VLANs that are allowed to pass on the EIPS port must be contained in the EIPS data instance. The same data instance must be configured on all the nodes in the same EIPS domain.

Configure EIPS Domain

The EIPS domain specifies the domain that the EIPS ring or the level segment belongs to. All nodes in the same EIPS domain must be configured with the same domain ID.

Table 3–6 Configure EIPS domain




Enter the global configuration mode

configure terminal


Enter the EIPS configuration mode

eips ring ring-id { master | transit | edge | assistant   } [ segment ]


Configure the EIPS domain

domain id domain-id


By default, the EIPS domain is not configured.

Configure EIPS Control VLAN

Configure the control VLAN for an EIPS ring or the level segment before starting the EIPS protocol. All nodes on the same EIPS ring must be configured with the same control VLAN. Therefore, when configuring the control VLAN, choose the VLAN that has been created but not used by other L2 protocols. Otherwise, the configuration fails. The EIPS control VLAN transfers EIPS protocol packets instead of data packets.

Table 3–7 Configure EIPS control VLAN




Enter the global configuration mode

configure terminal


Enter the EIPS configuration mode

eips ring ring-id { master | transit | edge | assistant } [ segment ]


Configure the EIPS control VLAN

control vlan vlan-id


By default, the EIPS control VLAN is not configured.

Configure EIPS Level Number

The EIPS level number is an important symbol to distinguish the main ring from the sub ring or low-level segment. The level number of all the main rings is 0 and the level number of level-1 sub ring or the level-1 level segment is 1. The rest can be done in the same manner. All the nodes on the sub rings must be configured and the sub ring number of the same level or the level number of the same level segment must be the same.

Table 3–8 Configure EIPS level number




Enter the global configuration mode

configure terminal


Enter the EIPS configuration mode

eips ring ring-id { master | transit | edge | assistant } [ segment ]


Configure sub ring or level segment number

level level-id


By default, the level number for the sub ring or the level segment is not configured.

Configure EIPS Segment Number

The EIPS segment number is an important symbol in the hierarchical mode. The segment number of the main ring is 0 and the segment number on the low-level segment is defined by the user. The segment number must be configured for the level segment with level number greater than 0. Meanwhile, the segment number for the nodes on the same level segment must be the same.

Table 3–9 Configure the EIPS segment number




Enter the global configuration mode

configure terminal


Enter the EIPS configuration mode

eips ring ring-id { master | transit | edge | assistant } [ segment ]


Configure the EIPS segment number

segment segment-id


By default, the segment number for the level segment is not configured.

This command is dedicated to the EIPS hierarchical mode and is not available for the sub ring mode. The segment number is configured on the edge control node, transmission assistant node, and transmission node for the low-level segment.

Configure EIPS Data Instance

The data instance must be configured before configuring the EIPS ring or the level segment. The data VLANs that are allowed to pass on the EIPS port must be contained in the EIPS data instance. The same data instance must be configured on all the nodes in the same EIPS domain.

The data instance is configured by using the MSTP (Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol Instance). Therefore, before configuring the EIPS ring or the level segment, configure the MSTP instance and the mapping relationship between the MSTP and the VLAN contained in the MATP.

Table 3–10 Configure the EIPS data instance




Enter the global configuration mode

configure terminal


Enter the MSTP configuration mode

spanning-tree mst configuration


Configure the MSTP instance

instance instance-id vlan vlan-range


By default, the MSTP creates the instance 0 which contains all VLANs.

Configure the MSTP instance and map the MSTP with the corresponding data VLAN.

Enter the global configuration mode



Enter the EIPS configuration mode

eips ring ring-id { master | transit | edge | assistant } [ segment ]


Configure the EIPS data instance

instance instance-id


By default, the EIPS data instance is not configured.

Start EIPS Protocol

When the preceding configurations complete, run the following commands to start the EIPS protocol.

Table 3–11 Start the protocol on the EIPS node




Enter the global configuration mode

configure terminal


Enter the EIPS configuration mode

eips ring ring-id { master | transit | edge | assistant } [ segment ]


Start the EIPS protocol

eips start


By default, the EIPS protocol on the nodes is not started.