Configure Network Administrator User
Network Requirement
- Configure the network administrator user, and verify whether it has the network administrator authority.
Network Topology

Figure 13‑1 Networking for configuring the network administrator user group
Configuration Steps
Step 1: Configure the IP address of the interface. (omitted)
Step 2: Configure the administrator attributes.
#Configure the user as admin and password as admin.
Device#configure terminal
Device(config)#local-user admin class manager
Device(config-user-manager-admin)#password 0 admin
#Configure the service type.
Device(config-user-manager-admin)#service-type telnet ftp web console ssh
#Configure the role of the local user as the network administrator.
Device(config-user-manager-admin)#user-role network-admin
#Configure the local authorization, making the role take effect.
Device(config)#domain system
Device(config-isp-system)#aaa authentication login local
Device(config-isp-system)#aaa authorization login local
#Configure using the login aaa authentication in line vty.
Device(config)#line vty 0 15
Device(config-line)#login aaa
Step 3: At the Telnet client, input the user name admin and password admin, and log into the device successfully.
#View whether the administrator user can execute the administrator command show logging to view the logs.
Device#show logging
Logging source configurations
console is enabled,level: 7(debugging)
monitor is enabled,level: 7(debugging)
buffer is enabled,level: 5(notifications)
file is enabled,level: 7(debugging)
The Context of logging file:
#Verify that the network administrator cannot execute the commands of other administrators.
Device#show role
You may not be authorized to perform this operation,please check.

The default roles of the administrator have security-admin, network-operator, audit-admin, and network-admin. You can set the administrator role according to the demand, and also can the customized role.