Configure L2 Portal Authentication Attributes
Configuration Condition
Configure Port Access Control Mode
There are two port access control modes: Port-based access control mode and user-based access control mode.
Port-based access control mode (Portbased): Only permit one user to pass the authentication in the port
User-based access control mode (Macbased): In the port permit multiple users to pass the authentication; the users in the port can access the network only after passing the authentication.
Port-based access control mode is divided to two types: multi-host mode and single-host mode.
Multi-host mode (Multi-hosts): After one user in the port passes the authentication, the other users in the port can access the network without authentication.
Single-host mode (Single-host): In the port, only permit one user to pass the authentication and access the network, and the other users cannot access the network and cannot pass the authentication.
Table 13–8 Configure the port access control mode
Enter global configuration mode
configure terminal
Enter the L2 Ethernet interface configuration mode
interface interface-name
After entering the L2 Ethernet interface configuration mode, the subsequent configuration just takes effect on the current interface. After entering the aggregation group configuration mode, the subsequent configuration just takes effect on the aggregation group.
Enter the aggregation group configuration mode
interface link-aggregation link-aggregation-id
Configure the access control mode
authentication port-method { macbased | portbased }
By default, enable the user authentication mode in the port.
Port-based access control mode
authentication port-method portbased host-mode { multi-hosts | single-host }
By default, enable the multi-host authentication mode in the port.

When configuring the host mode in the port-based access control mode, it is necessary to ensure that the access control mode has been configured as port-based access control mode (Portbased).