Network Requirements
- Device is the SNMP Agent device and the route with the NMS server is reachable.
- NMS monitors Device via SNMPv3. When Device fails or has something wrong, it actively reports to NMS.
Network Topology

Figure 8-6 Networking of configuring SNMPv3 notify
Configuration Steps
Step 1: Configure VLAN and add the port to the corresponding VLAN. (Omitted)
Step 2: Configure the IP address of the interface. (Omitted).
Step 3: Enable the SNMP proxy on Device and configure the SNMPv3 basic information.
#Configure Device.
Enable the SNMP proxy; configure the node view name as default and it can access all objects in the node
Device#configure terminal
Device(config)#snmp-server start
Device(config)#snmp-server view default include
Configure the user group as group1 and security level as authpriv; the read-write view and notify view both use default.
Device(config)#snmp-server group group1 v3 authpriv read default write default notify default
Configure the user group as user2, belonging to the user group group1, authentication algorithm as MD5, authentication password as admin, encryption algorithm as DES and encryption password as admin.
Device(config)#snmp-server user user2 group1 public v3 auth md5 admin encrypt des admin
Configure the text name as public.
Device(config)#snmp-server context public
Step 4: Configure Device to send notify message to NMS.
#Configure Device.
Configure the IP address and engineID of the remote user, that is, NMS.
Device(config)#snmp-server context publicDevice(config)#snmp-server engineID remote 162 bb87654321
Configure the remote user name as user1, belonging to the user group group1, authentication algorithm as MD5, authentication password as admin, encryption algorithm as DES and encryption password as admin.
Device(config)#snmp-server user user1 group1 remote 162 v3 auth md5 adminencrypt des admin
Configure the local address parameter name as param-user1; configure the target address name as target-user1; use the address parameter param-user1; the target address list name is target-user1.
Device(config)#snmp-server AddressParam param-user1 v3 user1 authpriv
Device(config)#snmp-server TargetAddress target-user1 162 param-user1 tag- user1 10 3
Configure the notify entity as notify-user1; configure the filter entity of notify as filter-user1, containing the notify of all objects in the node; configure the notify configuration table, and let the filter entity fileter-user1 associate with the address parameter param- user1.
Device(config)#snmp-server notify notify notify-user1 tag-user1 inform
Device(config)#snmp-server notify filter filter-user1 include
Device(config)#snmp-server notify profile filter-user1 param-user1
Step 5: Configure NMS.
#You need to set the user name and select the security level when using NMS of SNMP V3 version. According to different security levels, it is necessary to set authentication algorithm, authentication password, encryption algorithm, encryption password, etc., and monitor UDP port number 162.
Step 6: Check the result.
#NMS can receive various Trap information from Device, such as interface up, down of Device, the route change caused by the network oscillation. Device generates the corresponding Trap information and sends to NMS.