Configure ACL Mode
There are two modes when the same ACL is applied to different ports. One is port mode. In the Port mode, the same ACL uses different ACL resources on different ports, and the traffic of different ports uses different resources to match. The other is bitmap mode. In the bitmap mode, the same ACL uses the same ACL resources on different ports, the port matching is realized by bitmap, and the traffic of different ports is matched by related resources. In this way, bitmap mode can save resources. By default, ACL is in port mode.
Configuration Condition
Configure ACL Mode
When the same ACL is used on different ports, the mode can be used to adjust whether the ACL separately delivers resources on the ports or whether the resources are shared by BitMap.
Table 15-34 Configure the ACL mode
Enter global configuration mode
configure terminal
Configure the ACL mode
acl mode { port | bitmap }
By default, the ACL is in the Port mode.