Upgrade the bootloader Program
Configuration Condition
Before upgrading the bootloader program, ensure that:
- The route between the TFTP/FTP server and the device interface is reachable, and the TFTP/FTP server and the device can ping each other successfully.
- The TFTP/FTP server configuration is correct, and the bootloader program is stored in the specified directory of the TFTP/FTP server.
Upgrade the bootloader Program in TFTP/FTP Mode
Enter the privileged user mode, ensure that the device can obtain the upgrade program through the external TFTP/FTP server, and then use the sysupdate bootloader command to upgrade the program package.
Table 10-3 Upgrading the bootloader Program in TFTP/FTP Mode
Enter the privileged user mode.
Upgrade the monitor program.
sysupdate bootloader [device {memberId | all}] mpu dest-ip-address filename [ ftp ftp-username ftp-password ] [ reload ]
If the FTP option is not specified, TFTP is used for upgrade by default.
In the stacking mode, make use of FTP server to upgrade the bootloader program with the file name sz03-tboots1-rtk93-
Hostname# sysupdate bootloader device all mpu sz03-tboots1-rtk93- ftp a 123456 |
#The device gives the following prompt messages:
checking "sz03-tboots1-rtk93-" : ...OK
downloading "sz03-tboots1-rtk93-" : ##OK
Download "sz03-tboots1-rtk93-" (1849684 Bytes) successfully
Sysupdate start to write bootloader sz03-tboots1-rtk93-
Update bootloader start..............OK.
Bootloader write successfully.
%Sysupdate bootloader is in process, please wait...
%Sysupdate bootloader finished...
sysupdate bootloader result information list:
Card result information
Device 0 - Mpu sysupdate successfully!
#The above message indicates that the bootloader program of the device has been upgraded successfully. After upgrading is complete, output the report and log information of the upgrading result

If the command option reload is added, the system prompts whether to save the configuration, and whether to restart the device immediately. However, usually the device is started after all programs are upgraded. Therefore, the reload option is not recommended.
- After the upgrade is completed, to run the new bootloader program, restart the device.
- Select the correct bootloader version for upgrade to prevent occurrence of exceptions.

During the upgrade process, the device must not be powered off. Otherwise, the system may fail to start, or the bootloader file of the device may be damaged.
Upgrade the bootloader Program via the Console Port
Ensure that the HyperTerminal can access the device through the Console port. Enter the bootloader mode, adjust the baud rate, and perform the upgrade through the ymodem of the HyperTerminal.
For details of the commands, refer to the related chapter of the “bootloader” command manual.
Table 10-4 Upgrading the bootloader Program via the Console Port
Set the HyperTerminal.
Run the HyperTerminal program, select the corresponding serial port (such as com1) and set its properties. Set baud rate to 9600 bps, no flow control, 8 data bits, no parity check, and 1 stop bit.
Enter the bootloader mode.
When the device restarts, press Ctrl + C to enter the bootloader mode.
Modify the baud rate of the Console port and HyperTerminal to improve the upgrade speed.
srate { speed }
Modify the baud rate of the device Console port to 115200 bps. Then, disconnect the HyperTerminal, and modify the baud rate of the HyperTerminal to 115200 bps, and then connect the HyperTerminal again.
Upgrade the bootloader program.
mupdate bootloader
In the bootloader mode, input the mupdate bootloader command, select the ymodem protocol of the HyperTerminal, and select the bootloader program to start transmission.
The following example shows how to upgrade the bootloader program of the master control card through the Console port.
#The device gives the following prompt messages:
RTL9310# # mupdate bootloader
Download bootloader start...
## Ready for binary (ymodem) download to 0x80000000 at 9600 bps...
Starting ymodem transfer. Press Ctrl+C to cancel.
Transferring sz03-tboots1-rtk9310-
100% 904 KB 872 bytes/sec 00:17:41 0 Errors
## Total Size = 0x000e2130 = 926000 Bytes
Download bootloader OK.
Loader Chip: 93100000
Loader CRC: 98ba8309
Loader Size: e2058
Loader Tail CRC: 85eed660
Program flash start...
1048576 bytes written, 0 bytes skipped
Program flash OK.
Update bootloader OK.
RTL9310# #

In upgrading the bootloader program, ensure that the rate of the HyperTerminal is the same as the rate of the device Console port.
- In upgrading the bootloader program, the transmission speed is recommended to be set to 115200 bps. In this way, the upgrade transmission time is shorter.
- If the default rate of the Console port has been modified in upgrading the bootloader program, in loading the image program package, the rate of the device Console port automatically resumes to 9600 bps. At this time, the rate of the HyperTerminal needs to be modified synchronously.
- It is recommended that you upgrade the bootloader program in TFTP/FTP mode. The Console port upgrade mode is used only when the upgrade conditions of the first upgrade mode fail to be satisfied.

During the upgrade process, the device must not be powered off. Otherwise, the system may fail to start, or the bootloader file of the device may be damaged.