Configuration Condition
Before configuring MVST functions, first complete the following task:
- Configure the MVST basic functions
Configure the Upgrade Function
The upgrade function indicates that the master device upgrades the system mirror file or Monitor file of the extended card.
There are two modes of upgrading the system mirror file or Monitor file of the extended card:
- Auto upgrade: After the extended card is added to the MVST domain successfully, the master device automatically detects whether the running version of the extended card is consistent with the auto upgrade version. If not consistent, upgrade the extended card automatically.
- Manual upgrade: The user upgrade the system mirror file or Monitor file of the extended card in real time via the command line mode according to the real-time demand.
Table 3-9 Configure the upgrade function
Enter the global configuration mode
configure terminal
Configure the auto upgrade
mvst auto update image { path/image-name | image-name } [ ip-address { ftp user-name user-password | tftp } [ clear [ reload [ write ] ] | reload [ clear | write ] [ clear | write ] ] | clear [ reload [ write ] | reload [ clear | write ] [ clear | write ] ]
By default, no auto upgrade configuration.
Enter the privileged user mode
Configure upgrading the extended card manually
mvst update slave-slot slave-slot-id { image | monitor } { path/filename | filename } [ ip-address { ftp user-name user-password | tftp } [ reload ] | reload ]
mvst update device-group device-group-id { image | monitor } { path/filename | filename } [ ip-address { ftp user-name user-password | tftp } [ reload ] | reload ]

Before configuring the auto upgrade, it is necessary to ensure that the version file already exists.
Configure the Template Function
The template function can complete the batch configuration and management, which is convenient for the network maintenance. The user edits the public basic configuration to one txt file according to the network operation and maintenance requirement, and then, the master device delivers the file to the extended card. The extended card completes the public basic configuration.
Table 3-10 Configure the template function
Enter the global configuration mode
configure terminal
Specify the configuration template
mvst configure template template-name
By default, do not specify the configuration template.
Configure the master device to deliver the configuration template to the extended card
mvst apply configure template { device-group device-group-id | slave-slot { slave-slot-id | all } }

After the master device delivers the configuration template to the extended card, execute the write slave-slot or write device-group command to make all extended cards save the configuration information to the startup configuration file.
Configure Auto Binding Configuration Function
The master device backs up the startup configuration file of all extended cards in the MVST domain to the local storage media via the auto binding configuration. When the extended card needs to change because of fault and other reasons, the new extended card can completes the configuration automatically via the backup startup configuration file.
Table 3-11 Configure the auto binding configuration function
Enter the global configuration mode
configure terminal
Configure the port to bind with the startup configuration file
mvst bind startup interface {interface-list | link-aggregation link-aggregation-id} | all
By default, the port is not bound with the startup configuration file.
Configure Individual Configuration
The extended cards in the MVST domain will bear different network services because of the network environment, so the configuration of the extended card needs to be individual. The administrator can log into the virtual configuration interface of the extended card via the master device and complete the configuration management of the extended card.
Table 3-12 Configure the individual configuration
Enter the global configuration mode
configure terminal
Configure the extended card
configure slave-slot slave-slot-id
Log into the virtual configuration interface of the extended card
Enter the privileged user mode
Configure the extended card to save the current configuration information to the startup configuration file
write slave-slot slave-slot-id
Configure Device Group Function
When all extended cards in the device group need to realize the same function, you can configure the device group to realize the batch configuration management. The administrator can log into the virtual configuration interface of the configuration sample of the device group via the master device, and complete the configuration management of the device group.
Table 3-13 Configure the device group function
Enter the global configuration mode
configure terminal
Configure the device group
configure device-group device-group-id slave-slot slave-slot-id
The administrator logs into the virtual configuration interface of the configuration sample of the device group.
Enter the privileged user mode
Configure all extended cards in the device group to save the current configuration information in the startup configuration file
write device-group { device-group-id | all }
Configure the Service Group Function
When all extended cards in the service group need to achieve the same function, the batch configuration management can be completed by configuring the service group, such as configuring the same configuration template. The administrator can log in to the service group interface through the management device to manage the configuration of the service group.
Table 3-14 Configure the service group function
Enter the global configuration mode
configure terminal
Configure the device group
configure service-group device-group-id
Create and enter the service group
Add a member In the service configuration mode
slave-slot slave-slot-id
Add the extended card to the service group
Specify the configuration template of the service group
configure template /flash/filepath
Specify all extended cards in the service group to execute the same configuration template
Enter the privileged user mode
Configure the Log Function
The MVST log function indicates that the extended card sends the log information of the local device to the master device. The administrator can modify the log level rang sent by the extended card to the master device according to the network environment requirement.
Table 3-15 Configure the log function
Enter the global configuration mode
configure terminal
Configure the log level sent by the extended card to the master device
mvst slave-slot logging [ logging-level1 logging-level2 ]
By default, the log level sent by the extended card to the master device is 0-5.