Enter the Authentication Method of the Privileged Mode
After the user successfully logs into the device, AAA can authenticate the user entering the privileged mode by entering the enable command, and prohibit the user entering the privileged mode if the authentication fails.
Configuration Condition
Configure the Authentication Method of the Privileged Mode
Table 11-6 Configure the authentication method of the privileged mode
Enter the global configuration mode
configure terminal
Configure the authentication method of the privileged mode
aaa authentication enable-method { none / enable / radius-group group-name / tacacs-group group-name }
By default, the authentication method of the privileged mode is enable.
When using RADIUS authentication method, the password of the user name in the format of $enabLEVEL$ is used as the authentication password, where LEVEL represents the user level entered by the current user, and the range of values is 0-15, and the highest level is 15.