Restore the Startup Configuration
Configuration Condition
Before restoring the startup configuration, ensure that:
- The route between the device and the server is reachable.
- The configuration file that is to be restored exists.
Restore the Startup Configuration
In restoring the startup configuration, you can use a command to download the startup configuration file from the FTP server and set it as the startup configuration file that is used after restart. In this way, after the device is restarted, the device can load the startup configuration file.
Table 6-5 Restoring the Startup Configuration
Enter the file system configuration mode.
Restore the startup configuration.
copy { file-system src-filename | ftp { hostname | ip-address } username password src-filename | ftps { hostname | ip-address } username password src-filename | tftp { hostname | ip-address } src-filename } { file-system dest-filename | startup-config }

Before overwriting the local startup configuration, ensure that the configuration file matches the device type and matches the current system version.
- After performing the operation of restoring the startup configuration, the current configuration is not changed. After the device is restarted, the startup configuration is restored.