Network Requirements
- The whole network runs the IPv6 PIM-SM SSM protocol.
- Receiver1, Receiver2, and Device2 are all in one LAN.
- Run MLDv2 between Device2 and the stub network.
- Use the MLD SSM mapping on Device2 so that Receiver2 can only receive the multicast service packets sent by Source1.
Network Topology

Figure 9-3 Networking of configuring the MLD SSM mapping
Configuration Steps
Step 1: Configure VLAN, and add the port to the corresponding VLAN (omitted).
Step 2: Configure the IPv6 address of the interface (omitted).
Step 3: Enable the IPv6 unicast routing OSPFv3 so that all network devices in the network can communicate with each other.
#Configure Device1.
Device1#configure terminal
Device1(config)#ipv6 router ospf 100
Device1(config)#interface vlan2
Device1(config-if-vlan2)#ipv6 router ospf 100 area 0
Device1(config)#interface vlan3
Device1(config-if-vlan3)#ipv6 router ospf 100 area 0
Device1(config)#interface vlan4
Device1(config-if-vlan4)#ipv6 router ospf 100 area 0
#Configure Device2.
Device2#configure terminal
Device2(config)#ipv6 router ospf 100
Device2(config)#interface vlan4
Device2(config-if-vlan4)#ipv6 router ospf 100 area 0
#View the route table of Device2.
Device2#show ipv6 route
Codes: C - Connected, L - Local, S - static, R - RIP, B - BGP, i-ISIS
U - Per-user Static route
O - OSPF, OE-OSPF External, M - Management
L ::1/128 [0/0]
via ::, 05:20:37, lo0
O 1000::/64 [110/2]
via fe80::201:2ff:fe03:406, 00:35:30, vlan4
O 2000::/64 [110/2]
via fe80::201:2ff:fe03:406, 00:37:15, vlan4
C 3000::/64 [0/0]
via ::, 00:38:24, vlan4
L 3000::2/128 [0/0]
via ::, 00:38:22, lo0
C 4000::/64 [0/0]
via ::, 00:31:55, vlan5
L 4000::2/128 [0/0]
via ::, 00:31:53, lo0

The viewing method of Device1 is the same as that of Device2, so the viewing process is omitted.
Step 4: Enable the IPv6 multicast forwarding globally, configure IPv6 PIM-SM SSM globally and the multicast group range of the SSM service is FF3X::/32. On the interfaces, enable the multicast protocol IPv6 PIM-SM. The interface vlan5 of Device2 runs MLDv2.
#Configure Device1.
Enable the IPv6 multicast forwarding globally, configure the IPv6 PIM-SM SSM globally and enable the multicast protocol IPv6 PIM-SM on the interface.
Device1(config)#ipv6 multicast-routing
Device1(config)#ipv6 pim ssm default
Device1(config)#interface vlan2
Device1(config-if-vlan2)#ipv6 pim sparse-mode
Device1(config)#interface vlan3
Device1(config-if-vlan3)#ipv6 pim sparse-mode
Device1(config)#interface vlan4
Device1(config-if-vlan4)#ipv6 pim sparse-mode
#Configure Device2.
Enable the IPv6 multicast forwarding globally, configure the IPv6 PIM-SM SSM globally, enable the multicast protocol IPv6 PIM-SM on the related interfaces, and run MLDv2 on the interface vlan5.
Device2(config)#ipv6 multicast-routing
Device2(config)#ipv6 pim ssm default
Device2(config)#interface vlan4
Device2(config-if-vlan4)#ipv6 pim sparse-mode
Device2(config)#interface vlan5
Device2(config-if-vlan5)#ipv6 pim sparse-mode
Device2(config-if-vlan5)#ipv6 mld enable
#View the MLD information of the interface vlan5 on Device2.
Device2#show ipv6 mld interface vlan5
Interface vlan5 (Index 23)
MLD Enabled, Active
Querier: fe80::201:2ff:fe03:406 (Self)
Default version: 2
Querier parameter:
Query interval is 125 seconds
Querier timeout is 255 seconds
Query response time is 10 seconds
Last member query response interval is 1 seconds
Last member query count is 2
Group Membership interval is 260 seconds
Robustness variable is 2
Step 5: Enable the MLD SSM mapping on Device2 and configure the MLD SSM mapping rule so that Receiver1 and Receiver2 can only receive the multicast packets sent by Source1.
#Configure Device2.
Enable the MLD SSM mapping, configure the multicast group range of the MLD SSM as FF3E::/64, and the multicast source address is 1000::a.
Device2(config)#ipv6 access-list extended 7001
Device2(config-std-nacl)#permit ipv6 any ff3e::/64
Device2(config)#ipv6 mld ssm-map enable
Device2(config)#ipv6 mld ssm-map static 7001 1000::a
Step 6: Check the result.
# Receiver1 sends the MLDv2 member report packet of the specified source group to add to the multicast group FF3E::1 and the specified multicast source is 2000::a; Receiver2 sends the MLDv1 member report packet to add to the multicast group FF3E::2.
#Source1 and Source2 both send the multicast service packets with multicast groups FF3E::1 and FF3E::2.
#View the multicast member table of Device2.
Device2#show ipv6 mld groups MLD Connected Group Membership Total 2 Connected Groups
Group Interface Uptime Expires V1-Expires Last Reporter
ff3e::1 vlan5 00:00:33 not used not used fe80::a
ff3e::2 vlan5 00:00:33 not used not used fe80::b
Device2#show ipv6 mld groups detail
MLD Connected Group Membership
Total 2 Connected Groups
Group Interface Uptime Expires V1-Expires Last Reporter
ff3e::1 vlan5 00:00:36 not used not used fe80::a
Group mode : Include
TIB-A Count: 1
TIB-B Count: 0
Source list: (R - Remote, M - SSM Mapping)
Source Uptime Expires Flags
2000::a 00:00:36 00:03:49 R
ff3e::2 vlan5 00:00:36 not used not used fe80::b
Group mode : Include
TIB-A Count: 1
TIB-B Count: 0
Source list: (R - Remote, M - SSM Mapping)
Source Uptime Expires Flags
1000::a 00:00:36 00:03:45 RM
#View the multicast route table of Device2.
Device2#show ipv6 pim mroute
IP Multicast Routing Table:
PIM6 VRF Name: Default
Total 0 (*,*,RP) entry
Total 0 (*,G) entry
Total 2 (S,G) entries
Total 0 (S,G,rpt) entry
Total 0 FCR entry
Up timer/Expiry timer
(2000::a, ff3e::1)
Up time: 00:01:36
KAT time: 00:01:54
RPF nbr: fe80::201:2ff:fe03:406
RPF idx: vlan4
Upstream State: JOINED
Local interface list:
Joined interface list:
Asserted interface list:
Outgoing interface list:
Packet count 0
(1000::a, ff3e::2)
Up time: 00:01:36
KAT time: 00:01:54
RPF nbr: fe80::201:2ff:fe03:406
RPF idx: vlan4
Upstream State: JOINED
Local interface list:
Joined interface list:
Asserted interface list:
Outgoing interface list:
Packet count 0
#Receiver1 can only receive the multicast service packets sent by Source2; Receiver2 can only receive the multicast service packets sent by Source1.

The viewing method of Device1 is the same as that of Device2, so the viewing process is omitted.
- MLD SSM mapping needs to be used with IPv6 PIM-SM SSM; the multicast group range in the MLD SSM mapping rule should belong to the IPv6 PIM-SM SSM multicast group range. IGMP SSM mapping mainly runs MLDv1 and cannot be upgraded to the receiver host of MLDv2 to provide the supporting for the SSM model.
- The MLD SSM mapping is invalid for the MLDv2 member report packet.