Configure IRMP Route Generation
In the IRMP, the network command can be used to cover the directly connected network segment routing. The external routing can be introduced using the redistribution.
Configuration Condition
Before configuring the IRMP route generation, first complete the following tasks:
- Configure the IP address of the interface to enable the neighboring nodes to be reachable at the network layer.
- Enable the IRMP protocol.
Configure the IRMP redistribution
Introduce the routing generated by other protocols to the IRMP through configuring the routing redistribution. The routing of other IRMP processes can also be introduced.
Table 11-3 Configure the IRMP redistribution
Enter the global configuration mode
configure terminal
Enter the IRMP configuration mode
router irmp autonomous-system-number
Configure the IRMP redistribution
redistribute protocol [ process-id ] [ route-map route-map-name / metric bandwidth delay reliability loading mtu ]
By default, the external routing is not redistributed.
Configure the default metric value for IRMP redistributing external routing
default-metric bandwidth delay reliability loading mtu

When the default-metric command and the redistribute protocol [ process-id ] metric command are configured at the same time, the later command has a higher priority.