VLAN Monitoring and Maintaining
Table 3-13 VLAN Monitoring and Maintaining
show ip-subnet-vlan
Displays the information about IP subnet VLANs.
show mac-vlan
Displays the information about MAC VLANs.
show protocol-vlan [ profile ]
Displays the information about protocol VLANs.
show running-config vlan
Displays VLAN configuration information.
show vlan [ vlan-id ]
Displays the information about a specified VLAN or all existing VLANs.
show vlan statistics
Displays the number of existing VLANs.
show vlan summary
Displays the static created and dynamic learned VLAN information
show { interface interface-name | interface link-aggregation link-aggregation-id } vlan status
Displays the VLAN information on the specified port or aggregation group.